Everyone Has A Story
Storytelling is universal to the human experience. It is likely that storytelling developed not long after the development of language itself. All stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end...like life itself.
We are all consumers of story and we always have been. This Forum looked at storytelling from different perspectives. And of course we heard a story or two.

Margot Leitman is an award-winning storyteller, best-selling author, speaker and teacher. She is is a five-time winner of The Moth StorySLAM, and was the Moth GrandSLAM winner in New York City. More about Ms. Leitman.
Rena Strober is known for her many appearances on and off Broadway, at Lincoln Center, and television. More about Ms. Strober.
Jonathan Adler, PhD is Professor of Psychology at Olin College of Engineering. His work focuses on the relationship between narrative identity development and psychological well-being. More about Dr. Adler.
Michael Merriman - Our guests were interviewed by Michael Merriman, board member of the Saint Helena Forum. More about Michael Merriman.