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About the Forum

THE SAINT HELENA FORUM FOR INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY, a 501(c)3 educational non-profit, is produced entirely by volunteers drawn from a cross section of Napa Valley residents.
THE SAINT HELENA FORUM FOR INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY, a 501(c)3 educational non-profit, is produced entirely by volunteers drawn from a cross section of Napa Valley. The Forum was greatly affected by the Covid epidemic and the disruption of public gatherings forcing it to pivot from live events to recorded online interviews on a wide variety of topics.
Our interview topics are those that interest our board and that we feel need more attention. Forum interview guests are selected for their accomplishments, communication skills and creative thinking.
We hope our interviews will open minds and inspire our audience to continue conversations with friends and colleagues. Engaging our entire community is both our challenge and vision.
You can find our interviews as Podcasts at the links below
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